My apologies if any formatting oddities arise in the conversion to a blog post – hopefully it will all show up clearly in most browsers.
As always, we're happy to answer any questions you may have, so post them in the comments.
26. The Association recognizes
that the members of Equity, as professional artists, aspire to the highest
standards in the practice of their craft. In the context of this endeavour,
the Disciplinary Process is intended to address the needs of the members
while maintaining and enhancing professional working relationships. The goal
is resolution.
27. Any
person, or the Association, may file a complaint against any member of the
Association who:
The Association has long had the ability to
file a complaint, but this was never clearly stated. This update fixes that.
(i) fails
to pay any monies owing to the Association; or
(ii) acts
in an unprofessional manner; or
(iii) engages
in workplace violence or workplace harassment; or
This new wording limits the scope of these
complaints to the workplace, and was proposed by our legal counsel. Prior
wording was very open and suggested that Equity had the authority to address
these and similar behaviours in any context, which we do not.
(iv) refuses
to fulfil a contract without reasonable cause; or
Verb changed to be more inclusive – was
“perform a contract”. Otherwise unchanged.
(v) is
in conflict of interest to the detriment of another member of the
Association; or
(vi) violates
any of the Association's agreements; or
Updated - the original only specified negotiated agreements. That language predated many of our newer agreements and engagement policies, and had not been updated over time.
(vii) acts
in a manner detrimental to the objects of the Association.
27.1. In Articles 28 to 47.3, use of the singular
“complainant”, “respondent”, “appellant” or “member” shall be understood to
equally apply in the plural where such is the case.
This language was added to avoid tedious
repetition of “complainant(s)” and other conditional plurals.
28. Complaints against a member
shall be made in writing, signed by the complainant, and delivered to the
Executive Director.
Unchanged. See note re: 29.
29. The Association will
provide a filing template and resource document for guidance. The complainant
need not use the filing template, but he or she must include all the
information required by the template form.
Previously, this bylaw was a partial list of
example details, however complaints habitually arrived without all the necessary information. Using a filing template will mean
far fewer back-and-forth conversations needed to ensure the complaint is complete when filed. The requirement for signing was also in here, but has been shifted to 28.
30. Administrative complaints
(e.g. refusal to perform a contract) shall be made within three (3) months of
the date on which the complainant became aware of the incident(s) giving rise
to the complaint. Other complaints shall be made within twelve (12) months of
the date of the incident(s) giving rise to the complaint. No complaint shall
be considered where the matter complained of was known or ought to have been
known to the complainant for any longer period.
Administrative complaints now have a much shorter
deadline than before – previously, it was a year. If either an engager or the
Association wishes to file an administrative complaint, they must do so within a reasonable timeframe. The rest is unchanged.
30.1. Except where otherwise stated, all filings,
applications, requests, reports and notices required under Articles 27 to 47
shall be communicated in writing, through a service that provides for
verification of receipt (e.g. registered mail, courier service requiring a
signature, personal service.) Use of an unverified delivery service (e.g.
regular mail, email, fax) is acceptable only when agreed to in advance by the
This new inclusion replaces multiple
instances of “by registered mail or personal service” and similar language.
30.2. The Executive Director will review the
complaint and direct it as follows:
section now more specifically sets out the process by which complaints are
reviewed and submitted to Council, so that members and others know what to expect.
(a) If the matter is a
contractual or membership issue properly dealt with by staff, or if the
complaint has been brought by the Association under the terms of Articles
27(i), (iv) or (vi), the complaint need not be placed before Council. In such
(i) if
the facts of the matter are not in dispute; and
(ii) if
the member has been given notice of the infraction and an opportunity to
respond or resolve the matter; and
(iii) if
the matter has not been otherwise resolved; and
(iv) if
the applicable agreement or engagement policy does not already provide for
penalties appropriate to the infraction,
(v) the
Executive Director may enact only such financial penalties and for such
causes as are set out in Article 47.3 and the applicable engagement document.
Council will be informed of the complaint and the outcome at its
next meeting.
This section is new. Purely administrative
complaints in the realm of contractual or membership obligations no longer
need to go through the whole complaint process, providing that certain
conditions are met. The Executive Director is limited in the penalties that
may be set, and cannot impose penalties on top of any that may be specified
in the relevant engagement document.
(b) For all other matters, the Executive
Director will review the complaint against the grounds for complaint set out in Article 27.
Where the complaint is thereby covered:
For all other items, the language has been
updated to spell out existing practice…
(i) The
Executive Director will confirm that the complainant has attempted to address
the matter with the member in question, or taken all other reasonable steps
to address the matter prior to launching a formal complaint proceeding, and
deliver the complaint submission to Council.
(ii) Where the complainant has not attempted to address
the matter with the member
in question, or taken all other reasonable steps to address the matter prior
to launching a formal complaint proceeding, the Executive Director will offer
staff assistance to attempt a proactive resolution to the matter.
The Executive Director is required to confirm that the complainant
has taken reasonable steps to resolve the matter, and assist, if possible.
Where this offer is
not acceptable to the complainant or where it may not be a reasonable expectation in the circumstances,
or it does not result in resolution, the Executive Director will deliver the
complaint submission to Council.
Where the complainant declines the assistance,
the efforts are unsuccessful, or a direct engagement may not be appropriate,
the matter is referred to Council.
(c) Where it is determined that the
complaint is not covered under Article 27, the Executive Director will so inform the
complainant and, where appropriate, offer other staff assistance in resolving
the matter.
This addition offers reasonable staff
assistance to resolve other complaints that do not fall under the scope of
the complaint process.
(d) Where it is determined that the nature
of the complaint is such that outside authorities, such as the police, must
be notified, the Executive Director
will so inform the complainant. The Executive Director may hold further
action on the complaint in abeyance pending completion of any other process,
except that Council will be informed of the complaint and any action taken at
its next meeting.
On the advice of legal counsel, this
exclusion was added, so matters that properly belong in other hands are placed
there. In such a case, the Executive Director may either hold the complaint
in abeyance or proceed. Either way, Council will be kept up to speed.
30.3 Complaint submissions to Council
arising out of Articles 30.2(b)(i) or (iii) shall be put before Council at
its next regularly scheduled meeting.
Unchanged, just in a
different location in the bylaws.
30.4 (a) During the preliminary review,
and in submitting the complaint to Council, the Executive Director will take
all reasonable steps to preserve the privacy of both the complainant and respondent.
(b) For complaints to be submitted to
Council, the Executive Director will not inform the respondent of the
complaint unless Council accepts the complaint for further action.
(c) The written complaint will submitted to
Council with identifying information
removed. If Council accepts the complaint for further action, identifying
information will be provided thereafter as necessary.
(d) Council will treat the complaint and the identities of those involved as
confidential information.
These are all new privacy provisions - there
were none before. The goal is to ensure that Council process decisions are made without bias, and with due regard to the privacy of all parties.
30.5 Completion of a complaints proceeding,
including complaints handled under Article 30.2(a), is a priority activity
for the Association. The Association will attempt to conclude administrative
complaints within six (6) months of filing, where the pertinent facts are not
in dispute. The Association will attempt to conclude all other complaints
within twelve (12) months of filing.
This is a new requirement for Equity to act
promptly and expeditiously on complaints. There was no overall timeline
before, and proceedings typically trickled on for years.
30.6 Should extraordinary circumstances
necessitate an extension on the completion deadline of proceedings beyond the
conclusion date set out in Article 30.5, either party, or the Executive
Director, shall apply to Council for permission to extend, which permission
will not be unreasonably withheld.
This new language allows limited deadline exemptions
to be made, so that conclusion of proceedings is not jeopardised because of
extraordinary circumstances. Such a situation might include the respondent
being away on tour, etc. It would not include deliberate delay.
31. Upon receipt of a
complaint, Council may:
This section now provides much more structure
for the preliminary Council review, so that members and others understand the process.
(i) dismiss
the complaint, where the complainant has failed to demonstrate a prima facie
case under existing bylaws;
Previous wording allowed Council to simply dismiss the complaint out of hand, without due process. Council may now only dismiss
complaints that do not fall under existing bylaws, or that do not clearly demonstrate
that there is a case to be heard.
(ii) direct
the Executive Director to retain the services of a mediator, who shall
attempt to settle any dispute or problem between the parties; or
(iii) direct
the Executive Director to establish a Hearing Committee.
32. The Executive Director
shall give notice of Council’s decision under Article 31 to the complainant
within two (2) weeks of the decision.
The timeline was shortened for expediency. Previously
it was 30 days.
32.1 Upon direction to engage a mediator or
establish a Hearing Committee, the Executive Director shall also give notice
of the complaint proceeding to the respondent within two (2) weeks of the
decision. Such notice must include:
The timeline was shortened for expediency. Previously
it was 30 days.
(i) a
copy of the complaint;
(ii) notice
of expectation of a written response from the respondent;
(iii) explicit
mention of the response requirements in Article 32.2, including a specific (calendar
date) deadline;
(iv) explicit
mention of failure to appear or respond requirements and outcomes under
Articles 32.3 and 37.1(c); and
(v) a
summary of the general process requirements, including verifiable
communication requirements in Article 30.1.
(ii) to (v) are new requirements for
information to be provided to the respondent. Only (i) was specified before. These
terms are based on common tribunal rules.
32.2 The response under Article 32.1(ii) must:
(i) be
received by the Executive Director within thirty-five (35) days of notice
being given to the respondent;
(ii) respond
to each allegation in the complaint; and
(iii) include
any additional facts, allegations, and information on which the respondent
intends to rely in his or her response.
is all new. Previously,
there were no requirements for a response, and so respondents tended to ignore complaints as long as possible.
32.3 No respondent is compelled to provide a
response to the initial complaint. However where a respondent:
(i) fails
to provide a response, the Hearing Committee or mediator may deem the
respondent to have accepted all the allegations in the complaint, deem the
respondent to have waived all rights with respect to further notice or
participation in the proceeding, proceed to deal with the matter without
further notice to the respondent, and decide the matter based only on
material otherwise provided or available to it; or
(ii) files
a response that is incomplete, the Hearing Committee or mediator is not obliged to admit or consider evidence
or submissions with respect to a fact or issue that was not raised in the
written response.
This is all new. We cannot force people to
provide a response, but neither can we reasonably allow lack of a proper or full response to
stop or stall the process indefinitely. As noted, failure to respond has been a regular
problem in the past. These options are discretionary on a case by case basis, not obligatory, and are based on common tribunal rules.
32.4 Upon receipt, the Executive Director
shall provide a copy of the response to the applicant within one (1) week.
This is all new. Previously, there was no requirement to inform the complainant.
33. Moved
to Article 40.3.
Unchanged, but moved.
34. Moved
to Article 32.1
Moved, and changed as noted.
35. The Hearing Committee shall
be comprised of no fewer than three (3) members in good standing of the
Association not involved in the complaint, one of whom must be on Council.
36. Article
35 notwithstanding, if a vacancy develops on the Hearing Committee, the
Executive Director may use his or her best judgment as to whether or not a
replacement need be found, and the best manner for bringing the replacement
up to date on the proceedings.
This is all new. Previously, there was no
instruction on filling vacancies.
36.1. The Hearing Committee or Mediator will be
informed of the timeline provisions of Articles 30.5 and 30.6. The Hearing
Committee or Mediator will set reasonable timelines for exchange of
information, hearings and other necessary activities, and will not permit
parties to unnecessarily delay proceedings.
This is all new. No timelines were previously
36.2. Where a complaint proceeding is not concluded
within the established completion deadline or extension, the Hearing
Committee or Mediator may either declare the complaint abandoned, or proceed
to decide the matter on the basis of available information.
This is all new, and prevents deliberate
delay from thwarting completion of the process. Note that 30.6 allows for an
extension if needed for extraordinary circumstances.
37. (a) The Hearing
Committee shall provide to the complainant and respondent at least thirty
(30) days' notice of the time and place of hearing. The Hearing Committee may
hold the hearing in person or by teleconference or videoconference.
(b) The Hearing Committee shall select
one of its members as chairperson and shall determine its own practice and
(c) The Hearing Committee shall not be required to follow the rules of
evidence applicable in judicial proceedings, but shall not consider, request
or admit evidence not clearly relevant to the complaint.
except that it has been rewritten for clarity.
(d) The
Hearing Committee shall have the right to question any witnesses and may
inquire about the facts in the manner it deems acceptable and appropriate.
37.1 (a) The complainant and respondent may
attend and give evidence orally, may bring witnesses, and may present affidavit(s)
or other written evidence, provided all such evidence is clearly relevant to
(b) Parties to the complaint may elect to
be represented by another person of their choice. Any such other
representative shall participate at the parties' own expense.
(c) No respondent is compelled to appear
at, have representation at, or provide a submission to the hearing. However,
where no response is put forward by a respondent, any allegations made in
respect of that respondent may be deemed to have been accepted, and the
Hearing Committee or mediator may proceed to decide the matter on the basis
of available information.
This is new, and follows on the earlier
material dealing with lack of response. Not showing up for the hearing has also
been a problem in the past. These options are discretionary on a case by case basis, not obligatory, and are based on common tribunal rules.
37.2 The complainants’ case shall be
presented first, followed by that of the respondent, and the reply, if any,
of the complainant.
Originally, this only specified that the
complainant presented first. The additional wording was added on advice from
our counsel.
37.3 The complainant and the respondent, or
his or her representative, shall have the right to question witnesses
presented by the opposite party.
A section that prohibited “cross-examination”
was removed on advice from our counsel.
38. The Hearing Committee may
dismiss the complaint, or impose one or more of the following penalties,
taking guidance from historic response to similar complaints:
(i) reprimand;
(ii) suspension,
for a period not to exceed two (2) years;
(iii) a
fine payable to the Association, in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00, with
terms for payment;
(iv) expulsion
from membership in the Association.
38.1 In making a determination on a penalty
under Article 38, the Hearing Committee may take into consideration previous
rulings concerning the respondent.
This is new. It allows consideration of
previous rulings.
38.2 Additionally, the Hearing Committee may
make such recommendations as the Committee considers reasonable and
appropriate to the offence. Such recommendations may be made in addition to,
or as an alternative to, any penalty already imposed by the Hearing Committee
under Article 38.
This is new. Council recognised that
Equity only has the purview to impose certain penalties, but wanted to
provide a Hearing Committee with the option to recommend other actions or
alternative actions outside of those.
38.3 Where the Hearing Committee determines
that the complaint was solely frivolous or vexatious in its intent or made in
bad faith, and the complaint is dismissed, the Hearing Committee may impose
one or more of the penalties from Articles 38(i) to (iii) on the complainant.
This is new. While frivolous complaints
have not historically been a big issue, Council thought it prudent to provide
for a response to them. Our counsel provided the wording.
39. The Hearing Committee shall
make a report in writing within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of the
hearing, which report shall include brief reasons for its decision, and shall
deliver a copy of its report to the complainant and respondent and to
A timeline was added. See also 47.2.
40. The decision of the Hearing
Committee shall be immediately enforceable, until and unless reversed by the
Appeals Process.
40.1. The Mediator shall determine his or her own
reasonable practice and procedures to assist both parties to resolve the
matter, except that the Mediator may not permit any amendment or setting aside
of Association Bylaws or Council Policy.
40.2. The Mediator shall make a report in writing
within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of the mediation, which report
shall include a summary of all points of agreement, signed by the affected
parties, and shall deliver a copy of its report to the complainant, to the
respondent and to Council.
40.3. Where an agreement is reached resulting in
resolution, the results of the mediation shall be enforceable upon the terms
set out in the signed agreement.
40.4. Where the complaint is not resolved, the
complaint will again be put before Council at its next regularly scheduled
meeting. Council may:
Dismiss the
complaint, where there is no prima facie case for complaint under existing
bylaws; or
Direct the
Executive Director to establish a Hearing Committee.
40.5. The Executive Director shall give notice of
Council’s decision under Article 40.4 to the complainant and respondent
within two (2) weeks of the decision.
This is all new. Previously, the process simply
mentioned mediation as an option, and then said nothing further about it.
41. Where the complainant or
the respondent is dissatisfied with the decision of the Hearing Committee,
the complainant or the respondent may appeal to Council by submitting a Request
for Appeal to the Executive Director within thirty (30) days after receiving
the report.
42. The Request for Appeal
shall include a copy of the Hearing Committee’s report that is the subject of
the request for appeal, and a short summary of the reasons for the request
for appeal, which must be based upon at least one of the following grounds:
the Hearing
Committee did not provide an impartial hearing or a reasonable opportunity for
the presentation of the appellant’s complaint or defence; or
Hearing Committee based its decision on facts that were not in evidence, did not follow the procedures provided
for in the bylaws, or otherwise materially erred in its procedure; or
Added “materially” to guard against appeals
for trivially technical reasons. Otherwise unchanged.
there is new
evidence available at the time of filing the appeal, that was not available
or could not reasonably have been obtained at the time of the hearing; or
the penalty imposed was either insufficient or
43. Where Council receives a
Request for Appeal, Council shall, at its next regular meeting, consider the
grounds for the appeal, and may, in its sole discretion, dismiss the request
or appoint an Appeal Committee comprised of no fewer than three (3) members
of Council. No member of Council with previous involvement in the complaint
process shall be appointed.
The size of the appeal committee was lowered from 5. Otherwise unchanged.
44. The Appeal Committee shall
provide prompt notice of their intent to address the appeal to the appellant
and the affected complainant or respondent from the original complaint. The
notice shall outline the timeline for receipt of the written submissions.
44.1. Both the appellant and the respondent shall
be offered an opportunity to provide written submissions addressing the
criteria enumerated in Article 42.
44.2. The Appeal Committee shall determine the
appeal based on written submissions addressing the criteria enumerated in
Article 42. This process shall be conducted in advance of the next scheduled
meeting of Council following the deadline for submissions.
Split into separate articles, but otherwise unchanged.
45. The Appeal Committee may:
uphold the decision
of the Hearing Committee and dismiss the appeal; or
request that Council appoint a new Hearing Committee in accordance with
Articles 35-40; or
(iii) alter the penalty imposed by the Hearing Committee
in accordance with Article 38.
46. The Appeal Committee shall
report its decision to Council and to the parties.
47. The decision of the Appeal
Committee is final and binding
Previously, the bylaw indicated that the
decision of the appeal committee could not be reviewed or questioned in any
Court. On the advice of our counsel, it was removed (given that it was completely unenforceable.)
47.1. For complaints brought under Article 27(iii),
Council and/or the Executive Director may make such reasonable accommodations
in the process, timelines and deadlines of Articles 28-47 as he or she deems
advisable in the circumstances, provided such accommodations do not
compromise the integrity of the process as a whole.
This is new, and is a temporary stand-in for
any future changes related to workplace harassment, etc. See the preamble notes.
47.2. Following conclusion of the Appeals Process,
or expiry of the deadline for launching an appeal, Council will publish a
brief notice to the membership, providing basic information on the complaint
and its disposition.
Moved from 39. Previously, Council could
determine on a case by case basis whether or not it would publish, and what it would publish. There were no guidelines, and therefore no consistency in
reporting. Council has decided that, if a member had been sanctioned under the
Disciplinary Process, the membership deserves notice, although it will be
kept brief. A basic template has been developed for a single paragraph announcement.
47.3 The
Executive Director may impose the following financial penalties under Article
(a) For working while on withdrawal, suspension or when fines are outstanding:
(i) 1st
offense: payment of all outstanding amounts plus a fine of $100
(ii) 2nd offense: payment of all outstanding amounts plus a fine of $200
(iii) 3rd offense: payment of all outstanding amounts plus a fine of $300 and a mandatory meeting with the Executive
Director for membership education.
(b) For
working without an appropriate Equity
contract; for working for less than the applicable minimum fees or those fees
as modified by concession by the Association; for working for an engager who
has been declared unfair; for failure to respect a reciprocal agreement
between Equity and another association:
(i) 1st offense: a fine of no less than $200, and
no more than $500;
(ii) 2nd offense: a fine of no less than $300, and no
more than $750;
(iii) 3rd offense: a fine of no less than $400, and no
more than $1000.
(c) For
failure to fulfil the terms of an engagement without reasonable cause, including lateness to rehearsals or
(i) 1st offense: a fine of up to $250;
(ii) 2nd offense: a fine of up to $500;
(iii) 3rd offense: a fine of up to $750.
(d) For
refusal to fulfil a contract without reasonable cause, or failure to appear
for a performance:
(i) 1st offense: a fine of up to one week’s fee as
stated on the contract, or a calculated equivalent where there is no guaranteed fee;
2nd offense: a fine
of up to two week’s fees as stated on
the contract, or a calculated equivalent where there is no guaranteed fee.
is all new. It gives the Executive Director the ability to impose a limited
range of fines, within the constraints of 30.2(a), for a specific set of
contract or membership related infractions, without having to go through the
who complaint process. Infractions exceeding these must still go before
47.4 Any member subject to a penalty under
Article 47.3 may appeal to Council by submitting a Request for Appeal to the
Executive Director within thirty (30) days after receiving the notice of the
47.5 The Request for Appeal shall include a
short summary of the reasons for the request for appeal, which must be based
upon at least one of the following grounds:
(i) that the penalty was inappropriately applied; or
the penalty imposed was excessive.
47.6 Where Council receives a Request for
Appeal, Council shall, at its next regular meeting, decide the matter.
Council may:
uphold the decision
of the Executive Director; or
alter the penalty
imposed by the Executive Director, within the bounds of Article 47.3; or
set aside the penalty.
47.7 Council shall report its decision to
the Executive Director and to the appellant.
47.8 The decision of Council is final and
This is all new, and provides the respondent
with access to an appeal process before the entire Council in the case of administrative penalties.