Friday, May 16, 2014

Did you know? - Equity's Bylaws

Every so often, Council sends out notice of changes to the Association bylaws. We realise that these updates may be generally yawn-inducing, but bylaws govern the structure of our entire organisation, and it's important that you are aware of them, and any changes to them.

So, for those of you for whom Equity's bylaws are not riveting reading – and that would include pretty much everyone, methinks – here is the Reader's Digest version.

If any topic in this list is of importance to you – and that would include pretty much everyone, methinks – then you can find the whole document right here.

Happy reading!

Membership Classes
Regular Members
Non-Resident Members
Unit Company
Honorary Members
Life Members
Associate Members
Withdrawn Members
Suspended Members
Joining Program
Engagement Permits
Limits on Engagement Permits
Stage Management Apprenticeships - Additional
Limits on Apprenticeships
Joining as a Regular Member for Performers in Theatre
Joining as a Regular Member for Stage Managers
Joining Program Fees
Duties Of Membership
Membership Card
Address and Discipline
Standards Of Conduct And The Disciplinary Process
Filing and Filing Deadlines
Verifiable Communication
Preliminary Review and Resolution Process
Timeline for Completion
Review by Council
Hearing Committee
Hearing and Mediation Timelines
Hearing Process
Mediation Process
Appeals Process
Reasonable Accommodation in Process
Notice to Membership
Administrative Penalties
Finances And Dues
Fiscal Year
Initiation Fee
Basic Dues for Regular Members
Basic Dues Remission for Senior Members
Dues and Initiation Fee Reduction
Working Dues for Regular and Non-Resident Members
Meetings Of Members
National Meetings
Regional Meetings
Special Meetings
Rules of Order
Scale Agreements
Retirement And Insurance Benefits
Registered Retirement Savings Plan
Special Accident and Sickness Insurance
Council Advisory Committees
Regions And Elections
Elections for Council
Eligibility for Voting and Election
Nominations and Candidacy
Executive Director
Indemnity Of Council Members And Employees
Membership And Organizing Activities
Bylaw Amendments
Reciprocal Agreement With AEA

Friday, May 2, 2014

Council statement regarding "Helen Lawrence"

At its April meeting, Council reviewed the recent events surrounding the cancellation of Canadian Stage's presentation of Helen Lawrence at the Festival TransAmériques (FTA).

One of Equity’s chief responsibilities is to act on behalf of its members when the going gets tough. In almost all cases, that means taking the personal concerns and decisions of individual members and putting them forward as the concerns and decisions of Equity. This approach provides important anonymity and protection for member deliberation on the topic at hand.

Council supports our Executive Director’s careful handling of the review process on this production, and her decision not to go into greater public detail on the matter.

Members should also be aware that Council, not staff, sets the rules governing review of all concession requests.* Perhaps the most important among them is this: where members have already been contracted, a request cannot be approved without their majority approval.

Whether on this production, or any other, our members need to have confidence that their decisions are respected by their association and their colleagues. Council wishes to express its unequivocal support of the artists involved in Helen Lawrence, and calls upon all members to do likewise.

*For a more complete explanation of the concession process, and how requests are decided, see here.