Thursday, May 21, 2015

Equity Census - Every Member Counts

Council is currently conducting a Census of the membership, and it’s important that you participate.

Back in 2007, Council initiated the most comprehensive survey of our membership that we have ever done. Response was excellent, and Council has been relying on those results to shape our work for close to a decade now.

One of the most critical elements of that research was Equity’s first foray into developing a detailed picture of the rich diversity of our membership, including information on family and dependants, details of heritage and ethnicity, and physical challenges. These are all areas of some sensitivity, and we were delighted with the generosity the membership showed in sharing their details. Members spoke freely to all these topics, and over 90% of respondents agreed to provide us with ethnic and heritage identity information, well beyond our most optimistic hopes.

So, why are we coming back to the membership on the same topics again? Well, two reasons. 

First, that information was a snapshot of the membership in 2007. Since then we have welcomed over 2000 new artists. Our membership is no longer the same membership it was then, and we want to keep our knowledge current.

The second is more forward-looking, and takes us well beyond the realm of snapshots. This new census research asks for your permission to securely store the identity information you provide, so that we can keep our knowledge current on a continuous basis. 

As Equity works to improve how it helps its members face their career challenges, we need to be able to assess, in real time, whether things are improving or not.

As well, every year we make submissions to a range of governmental and other bodies on how to help and encourage the live performance industry to promote full diversity on Canada’s stages. For this work to have its greatest effect, we need to be able to state with confidence how things are now, and how things have changed, and identify specific places where greater effort is needed. Just as importantly, we need to be able to recognise where best efforts aren’t working, and change tactics to suit.

In short, the whole industry needs to move beyond making choices and hoping they work.

Your contribution to the Equity Census will give us those real-time tools, and everybody’s response is needed to provide the fullest possible picture.

The Equity Census closes this Friday. If you haven’t already done so, please take 10 minutes of your time today, to help us help you for the next 10 years.

Visit for details on how to participate.

Every member counts.

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