Thursday, April 1, 2010

Independent Theatre Review Committee begins work

A motion was passed at the March meeting of Council, striking the Independent Theatre Review Committee, to look at the future of member engagement opportunity in the spectrum of theatre not currently covered by the CTA/ITA.

Council has appointed Councillors Kerry Ann Doherty (Ontario and 2nd VP), Sharon DiGenova (Dance) and Kris Joseph (E. Ontario/Outaouais) to the committee to get things up and running. Their first job will be to bring more people onto the committee, seeking representation from across the country and in keeping with Council's diversity policies.

One of the most important aspects of the committee terms of reference is that it will be expected to consult broadly. Member interest across the country is anticipated to be much greater than can reasonably be accommodated on a committee of any workable size, so extensive outreach will be done to ensure that all members have an opportunity to participate in this discussion. As part of this, the committee will also be asking CPAGs across the country to connect with their local membership, both for sharing information and for collecting input.

In addition to seeking contributions from an artist engagement perspective, the committee will also be hearing from independent theatre engagers (both members and non) and Equity staff, to gather information on their needs and challenges in regards to member engagement. Council intends for this work to result in a comprehensive approach to improve and facilitate member engagement opportunity across this range of theatre.

If you are interested in being part of the steering committee, details on how to submit your name for inclusion will be available in the next short while. Please keep an eye on e-drive postings and this blog for startup details.

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